Philippians 2:10-11
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in the earth, and [things] under the earth
We are living in a time of great consternation. I’m not saying this to be profound–it is just true. Besides the non-ending coverage on the upcoming election, it’s hard not to notice all the turmoil in every nation in every state in every town, and in many homes. As Christians, we are called to love one another and love the Lord our God more than anything. Showing love is getting harder as the persecutions increase against us. I heard a pastor say one time the battles are great but the victory is already won. That is a great comfort to me to know that Jesus has already won the battle for us. I encourage you today to love freely and pray for other Christians and for our nation. With the news full of stories on the upcoming election, it’s evident that many people are frustrated with where our country is headed. Pray for God’s hand on this.
Take comfort today in knowing that someday everyone will be on their knees before our Holy Father whether they want to or not. My wish is that they will join me because I am already on my knees. How many times in life do we ask our children to “step up” or to stand tall? Even when winning a medal the highest podium is for the one who came in first place. We use analogies such as “climbing the ladder of success”. I’m telling you today that to God, being low and on your knees is a much higher place.
Will you join me?