1 Peter 1:24-25
For, all people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this was the word that was preached to you.
What do Kim and Warren have in common? Well…not much except for money…
If you’re a movie buff, you have probably heard or seen the movie Hacksaw Ridge which portrays the amazing story of Desmond Doss, who saved 75 men without carrying a weapon or firing a gun during WWII. This story is truly amazing and I’m sincerely glad that it was brought to the theater for us all to experience and understand what this man accomplished. There are so many people who are never really exposed as heroes and in my series The People Of The Ville, I’ve tried to highlight a few. More on that later.
This verse from 1 Peter above reminds me of how short our time is here in this world. So many people today are in the news: athletes, movie stars, musicians, politicians…all with a sense of self-importance, and maybe they even think that they will be remembered forever…but they will not. Can you name a single musician from 100 years ago? Some of you might be able to do so but the point is that we are “like grass” and our “glory is like the flowers of the field.” No matter how much we might adore someone today, they will be forgotten in a short time and replaced by other names. I find it amusing and somewhat sad how many people spend their lives amassing fortunes or trying to leave a lasting impression of some kind. I think it’s ironic that a small girl during the Holocaust has become a hero of sorts with a name that most people are familiar with and she had no idea that her diary would become the focus of so many books and movies. I’m sure Anne Frank was only dreaming of a day when she could be free to be a normal teenager instead of fearing for her life every day.
Keep your eyes fixed on the word of the Lord which this verse says will “endure forever”. There are only so many days here for each of us…make them count in a way that brings glory to Him and not to yourself. Our glory will fade…no matter how important we might think we are.